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Language and Communication Activities to develop one key word understanding  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


These activities will help you child to develop the ability to understand instructions containing one key word. To find out more information about key word instructions click here.

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Early years skill:Understanding
Early years typical range:8-20m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English Listening
P-scales/Curriculum level:P4
TAP skill:Understanding of Language/Comprehension
TAP level:TAP24
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Puppet Feeding (nouns)

- A hand puppet

- Selection of play food

1. Place the puppet on your hand and lay a few items of play food in front of you.

2. Explain that the puppet is hungry.

3. Give your child instructions, e.g. '(puppet) wants the bread', '(puppet) wants the banana'.

4. Encourage your child to give the puppet the piece of food you asked for.

5. After a few turns, swap roles and see if your child is able to tell you which food to give to the puppet.

You could sign alongside saying the word. For videos of commonly used signs - click here.

Find it (nouns)

- A selection of every day items

- A box

1. Lay the items out on the floor.

2. Explain to your child that there is a race to find the item and put it in hte box.

3. Give your child instructions, e.g. 'find the car', 'find the apple'.

4. Encourage your child to find the item and bring it back to you and place it in the box.

5. After a few goes, swap roles and encourage your child to tell you which items to get, 

Action Game (verbs)

1. Tell your child you are going to play a game wherre they have to do different things. (If your child does not want to carry out the actions, you could encourage them to use a toy).

2. You can use the cards or dice to give you ideas of the actions to carry out.

3. Give your child an instruction, e.g. 'Harry jump', 'Harry sleep'.

4. Encourage your child to carry out the action.

5. If your child finds this challenging, carry out the action together. Make sure you say the word for the action for your child to hear. 

6. If your child enjoys this game, you could get them to choose a picture, or roll the dice to tell you what action to do.

You could sign alongside saying the word. For videos of commonly used signs - click here.

Posting (nouns)

1. Collect together a selection of picture cards showing different objects - you could take photos of objects that your child is familiar with in your house. 

2. Place a selection of pictures in front of your child - you might want ot start with 2 or 3 first.

3. Ask your child to post a picture, e.g. 'post the car'.

4. If your child is getting confident from choosing from a selction of 2-3, you can add a few more. 

You could sign alongside saying the word. For videos of commonly used signs - click here.

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