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Language and Communication Indicates wanting more of an activity  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


Encouraging the child to indicate when he/she wants more of a motivating activity.

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Early years skill:Speaking
Early years typical range:8-20m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English
P-scales/Curriculum level:P3i
TAP skill:Expressive Language
TAP level:TAP15
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:Inititation
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:Engagement
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments

Blow some bubbles to get the child's attention / Blow a balloon up and then let the air out to make a noise.

Get ready to do the activity again, but wait for the child to indicate that they want some more.

Use a phrase to encourage anticipation (for example "ready, steady......go!")

Initially encourage eye contact to communicate wanting more. You can do this by holding the bubbles up near your face.

As the child becomes more consistent in using eye contact encourage them to use the "more" sign by modelling this for them.

The activity must be motivating for the child for this to work: do not labour the activity if the child is not interested in it.

Building a tower

Bricks or stacking beakers.

  1. Start the tower off with two bricks, hold another brick where the child can easily see it and say 'Another one?'
  2. Respond to any slight sound from the child or movement from the child in the direction of the brick as a request for another brick.
  3. Give the brick to the child and as he/she places the brick on the tower say 'Another one......another brick'.
  4. Repeat till the tower is satisfying enough to knock down.
  5. Start the process again by saying 'Another one?'

Work in a quiet distraction free place.

Make this activity fun and snappy!

The activity must be motivating for the child for this to work: do not labour the activity if the child is not interested in it.

Making sand pies with a twist

Small bucket

Sand in a sand pit


Small animal to hide at the bottom of the bucket.

  1. Secretly put the small animal/car etc in the bucket and cover with sand.
  2. Put in one spade of sand so the child can see you.
  3. Get another spade full of sand and look at the child and ask 'More...more sand?' - Take any look or movement or sound as a request for you to put more sand in the bucket.
  4. Say 'More sand' as you do this.
  5. Allow the child to put sand in the bucket. Label the action 'More......more sand' as he/she puts sand in the bucket.
  6. When the bucket is full turn it over and point to the toy which will now be showing. Name the toy and then pause, get the child's attention and say 'More......more sand ?' take any movement or sound to mean the child wants 'More ' and say 'Yes......more sand '.
  7. Start the process again.

Have fun!

The activity must be motivating for the child for this to work: do not labour the activity if the child is not interested in it.

Filling transparent container with bottle tops (or other items)

Several containers

Large amount of bottle tops (or other similar material)

1. Offer a container to the child.

2. Have all the bottle tops in a clear plastic bag so the child can see them.

3. Allow the child to take a handful of bottle tops to start filling the container. Model this if necessary.

4. Prevent the child taking more. Instead, offer another handful and say 'More'.

5. Repeat this, offering him more tops until he indicates 'more' by any movement, gesture or sound.

6. Start the process again with another container when the first is full.

Have fun!

Rattle the bag with the bottle tops, and give a lot of encouragement and praise. Make sure the child knows they are going to be rewarded with the desired object if they indicate more.

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