Text mangle tool Enter text in the "written or spoken text box", and then press "mangle text". Use the options below to set how you want the text to be mangled.
Mangled text:
"Mangled text" will appear here in this box after you press the "mangle" button. This is to get an idea of what it might look or sound like to someone with reading and/or comprehension difficulties.
Each Signalong phase has on average around 390 signs see the Signalong website for more information. Signalong is being used as an illustration here and does not imply any preference for this over any other signing resource, for example Makaton .
Lists used for the conversion 16 high frequency words for reading See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4514106.stm .
a, and, he, I, in, is, it, my, of, that, the, then, to, was, went, with.
100 high frequency words for reading See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4514106.stm .
a, about, after, all, am, an, and, are, as, at, away, back, be, because, big, but, by, call, came, can, come, could, did, do, down, for, from, get, go, got, had, has, have, he, her, here, him, his, I, in, into, is, it, last, like, little, live, look made, make, me, my, new, next, not, now, of, off, old, on, once, one, other, our, out, over, put, saw, said, see, she, so, some, take, that, the, their, them, then, there, they, this, three, time, to, today, too, two, up, us, very, was, we, were, went, what, when, will, with, you.
Set of 100 early spoken words See: Cambridgshire SLT department .
man, bricks, dinner, mummy, bus, plate, car, spoon, eyes, doll, sweets, feet, duck, crisps, hair, teddy, cup, hands, swing, drink, mouth, pram, milk, nose, juice, toes, book, water, tummy, box, paper, bed, bag, pencil, chair, coat, house, shoes, bird, table, hat, cat, pants, dog, brush, socks, flower, soap, tree, bath, towel, dry, read, find, big, on, clap, eat, stand, get, dirty, gone, cook, hit, throw, give, hot, more, cry, jump, walk, wet, like, yes, cut, kick, wash, look, down, no, drink, push, come, make, up, play, put, want, brick, eye, sweet, crisp, hand, toe, shoe, sock, daddy.
Set of common suffixesSee: scholastic.com (pdf).
‑able, ‑ible, ‑al, ‑ial, ‑ed, ‑en, ‑er, ‑est, ‑ful, ‑ic, ‑ing, ‑ion, ‑ation, ‑ition, ‑tion, ‑ity, ‑ty, ‑ative, ‑itive, ‑tive, ‑less, ‑ly, ‑ment, ‑ness, ‑eous, ‑ious, ‑ous, ‑es, ‑s, ‑y.
Set of common prefixesSee: scholastic.com (pdf).
anti‑, de‑, dis‑, en‑, em‑, fore‑, in‑, im‑, il‑, ir‑, inter‑, mid‑, mis‑, non‑, over‑, pre‑, re‑, semi‑, sub‑, super‑, trans‑, under‑, un‑.
Text Mangle Tool version 1.0