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Language and Communication Using strategies to deal with strong emotions  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


These activities focus on developing coping strategies when dealing with strong emotions - the ideas are presented visually to allow children and young people with speech. language and communication needs to access the strategies. Strong emotions can occur in everyday life in many different situations.

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Early years skill:not specified
Early years typical range:not specified
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P-scales/Curriculum level:not specified
TAP skill:not specified
TAP level:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
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Calm Cards

1. Print out the calm card resource.

2. Find a time when your child or young person is regulated and calm. Discuss that we can do different things when we are feeling strong emotions. You could give examples of emotions and how you feel in different situations.

3. Talk about finding ways to help feel better when you feel strong emotions. Look through the cards and try some of them out.

4. Talk to your child or young person about what they feel might hep them - you do not have to stick with what is on the cards, you could make some of your own cards.

5. You could make a key ring with some cards on for your child/young person to keep.

6. Encourage your child or young person to try some of the cards they have identified when they are starting to feel strong feelings.

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