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How we will help  

!! Support Commtap's free resources !!

It costs money to run a free website: our server costs alone are £400 per month. Last year we had 40,000 visitors to the site from whom we received only £40 in donations. We are not currently receiving any other income. At this rate, we will run out of money in the next few months and the site will be forced to close.

Please make a minimum donation of £5 to keep the site going. Thank you

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How we will help!

How Lorna and Neil can help you with your ambassadorship.

  1. You can contact us with any queries requests
    1. Lorna can give you her mobile number and direct email;
    2. CAN Mezzanine address: Commtap CIC, 49 - 51 East Road, London, N1 6AH, Tel: 020 7250 8064;
    3. Contact Neil and the project.
  2. We can supply you with:
    1. good A0 size professionally printed posters for display possibilities;
    2. leaflets to hand out;
    3. copies on CD of Power Point training we have done for a range of different groups – just ask – we have done short and long slots, training to TA's and SLT colleagues and SENCOs, training for teacher inset days, and twilight session staff room talks - we can send you things we have prepared earlier and you can adjust them for your audience - examples in the ambassadors' group.
  3. 10 laptops for training if facilities don't have computers available – discuss about how these can be brought to your venue;
  4. We can arrange to co-present with you if that would be helpful;
  5. We can liaise about what you present if that is helpful;
  6. We can arrange for you to train or meet interested people at the CAN Mezzanine meeting rooms/conference rooms - free of charge;
  7. We can print out training sheets etc for you - send us an email with details.
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