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Language and Communication To develop question skills  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


The child will find out target information about an object / event by using questioning skills, and by learning new skills.

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Early years skill:not specified
Early years typical range:not specified
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English Speaking
P-scales/Curriculum level:P8
TAP skill:Expressive Language
TAP level:TAP48
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Primary (5-11yrs) info; Secondary (11-16yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Flowchart questions

Use one of the pre-made flowcharts or use the blank flowchart to make your own one.

You can find these charts on

Template for creating your own question flowchart: Blank 3 question challenge

Pre-made flowcharts: The Animal ChallengeThe Food Challenge

Labels to write the answers on

Write one answer per sticky label. Stick one of the labels to the back of the child / children.

Using the questions on the flowchart, they must work out what the word on their back is.

It works well if you have one answer 'spare' so that each child needs to ask the questions to work out what their word is.

Guess who? Game
'20 Questions'

Object cards (optional)

Emphasise that they are working out the answer, not guessing it.

It is useful to have prompt questions, or categories on cards for the children to use. E.g. questions such as: How big is it? What colour is it? What do we use it for? Categories can include: animals, toys, furniture.

'I Spy' with a difference

It is useful to write on a whiteboard what you have found out. Use this to remind the children of what you already know and what you need to find out.

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