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Language and Communication understands printed word can describe own experience  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


To understand that the printed word can describe own experience

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Early years skill:Reading
Early years typical range:40-60+m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English Reading
P-scales/Curriculum level:P7
TAP skill:Understanding of Language/Comprehension
TAP level:TAP42
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Event recall

A sheet with columns labelled with 'when', 'who', 'what', 'where'

Use a recent event and the 'wh' recall sheet and fill this out with the child e.g. a trip to the swimming bath - fill in a word or two to describe when the event took place, who went, what the event was and where it took place. The event can then be recalled by reading across the columns.

This technique can be used to recall a recent book or game in the playground, or cooking lesson.

Keep language simple - the object is to show that print is relevant to real life experience and pictures of real life. Use 2/3 word phrases only.

Give lots of reward even for small bits of a task well done - you don't have to wait till the end of a task to reward. This way you can always reward good behaviour before the child gets restless.

Recent event picture sequence

Scrap book

Photos from home or a school trip

Sequence the photos and stick in the book, write 2/3 words to label the photos. These words could be written individually on another piece of paper and the child must select the correct phrase from a choice of 2/3 phrases to match the particular photo.

Simple stick man drawings of an event

Do simple stick man drawings of an event like a swimming trip. Do 2/3 drawings of the event and cut them out. Help the child to sequence them. The child could either write 2/3 words to go with each picture or print out a phrase on the computer to go with the pictures.

Encourage the child to take scrapbook home to show and tell parents.


Make a scrapbook diary and keep a daily record of an event. It might be what the child had for lunch or what he/she is wearing or the weather. The child can draw a picture to match the print. Print can be selected from a choice of words written on separate pieces of paper and then stuck into the diary or copied. Or copied.

Home-school book

Set up a home schoolbook to send messages home and ask parents to write in the book and send messages to you. Messages can be about what the child ate or watched on the TV and then the information can be used to write in the diary or draw a picture of and label in the child's own words.

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