Pupils writing their name and one or two other simple words to convey a message
Early years skill: | not specified |
Early years typical range: | not specified |
P-scales/Curriculum skill: | English Writing |
P-scales/Curriculum level: | P7 |
TAP skill: | Expressive Language |
TAP level: | TAP42 |
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area: | not specified |
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard: | not specified |
Section: | Primary (5-11yrs) info; Secondary (11-16yrs) info |
Activity/strategy name and materials required | How to do the activity | Key principles for doing the activity and comments |
Greetings Cards Examples of real greetings cards (birthday cards, fathers' day cards, etc), which have had a hand written message added. Photocopied A4 paper or a piece of card containing a printed greeting, (e.g. 'Happy Birthday') for each pupil, and for yourself to use as a model. Pencils, Pens, felt tip pens, crayons. Pictures to stick on the front of the card (optional). Glue/glue stick (optional). | 1. Talk with the child about why people send each other cards. Explain you are going to write a message in a card and send it to xyz. 2. Show the pupil a real card and identify the front of the card, where the picture usually is. Read any printed words on the front of the card to the pupil. Point at each word as you read it. 3. Show the pupil which direction the card opens. Then show the pupil the printed greeting inside the card. Point at and read the greeting to the pupil. 4. Finally, show the pupil the handwritten message written in the card. Talk about the difference between the printed greeting and the handwritten message. 5. Point at and read the handwritten message to the pupil. Explain that we write the word 'To' and the other person's name above the printed greeting. Explain that we write the word 'from' and our own name under the printed greeting. 6. Tell the children you are going to draw a picture / stick a picture on the front of your card and write a message inside it. 7. Demonstrate drawing a picture on the front of the card. 8. Open your card. Point at and read the printed greeting inside the card with the pupil. 9. Model writing the first part of the message (To xyz) above the printed greeting. Emphasise the initial sound of each word as you slowly write it. 10. Model writing the second part of the message, (from and your name) underneath the printed greeting. 11. When you have finished writing your message, encourage the child to read it back with you as you point at the words. 12. Give the child their own piece of paper/card and 'read' the printed greeting inside with them. 13. Tell the child s/he is going to make their own card. Decide with the child who they are going to send the card to. 14. Ask the child to show you where they are going to draw the picture. 15. Ask the child to show you where they are going to write 'To xyz' inside the card. 16. Ask the child to show you where they are going to write 'From' and their own name inside the card. 17. Ask the child to draw a picture / stick a picture on the front of their own card and write their message inside the card. If necessary you could make another card yourself alongside the pupil to remind them where to write the message. | This activity could be done with an individual pupil or with a small group of up to 6 pupils in total. Many different types of cards could be made as appropriate e.g.
Key vocabulary to focus on may include the words: To Mum, Dad (optional) Love (optional) from (optional) Child's name This may be an opportunity to introduce the idea of using capital letters in writing. If your pupil is not ready for this yet, you could just use lower case letters, except for names. If the pupil has directionality difficulties, you could play a game where you deliberately open the card up incorrectly and encourage the pupil to correct you. You may want to put the card in an envelope and model writing the person's name on the front of it. Although the child may need to copy the words 'To' and 'from' from your card, make sure that they don't copy your name in 'from xyz' section and that they write their own name. |