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Maths, L1-L5  

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Maths Using and ApplyingPupils use mathematics as an integral part of classroom activities. They represent their work with objects or pictures and discuss it. ...Pupils select the mathematics they use in some classroom activities. They discuss their work using mathematical language and are ...Pupils try different approaches and find ways of overcoming difficulties that arise when they are solving problems. They are beginning ...Pupils are developing their own strategies for solving problems and are using these strategies both in working within mathematics and in ...In order to carry through tasks and solve mathematical problems, pupils identify and obtain necessary information. They check their ...
Maths Number and AlgebraPupils count, order, add and subtract numbers when solving problems involving up to 10 objects. They read and write the numbers involved.Pupils count sets of objects reliably, and use mental recall of addition and subtraction facts to 10. They begin to understand the place ...Pupils show understanding of place value in numbers up to 1000 and use this to make approximations. They begin to use decimal notation ...Pupils use their understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100. In solving number problems, pupils use ...Pupils use their understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. They order, add and ...
Maths Shape Space and MeasuresWhen working with 2-D and 3-D shapes, pupils use everyday language to describe properties and positions. They measure and order objects ...Pupils use mathematical names for common 3-D and 2-D shapes and describe their properties, including numbers of sides and corners. They ...Pupils classify 3-D and 2-D shapes in various ways using mathematical properties such as reflective symmetry for 2-D shapes. They use ...Pupils make 3-D mathematical models by linking given faces or edges, draw common 2-D shapes in different orientations on grids. They ...When constructing models and when drawing or using shapes, pupils measure and draw angles to the nearest degree, and use language ...
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