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up Table listP1-P3P4-P8L1-L5L6 - L8+Any
EnglishFrom simple reflex responses to emerging conventional communication.From single words to four key word comprehension and expression.English L1-L5English L6 - L8+English Any
MathsFrom simple reflex responses to emerging conventional communication.From beginning object permanence to concepts of position size and quantity.Maths L1-L5Maths L6 - L8+Maths Any
ScienceFrom simple reflex responses to emerging conventional communication.From imitating actions involving main body parts to sorting materials according to simple criteria.Science L1-L5Science L6 - L8+Science Any
PSHE and CitizenshipFrom simple reflex responses to emerging conventional communication.From beginning to respond to the feelings of others to choosing initiating and following through new tasks and self-selected activities.PSHE and Citizenship L1-L5PSHE and Citizenship L6 - L8+PSHE and Citizenship Any
Motor SkillsMotor Skills P1-P3Motor Skills P4-P8Motor Skills L1-L5Motor Skills L6 - L8+Motor Skills Any
Design and TechnologyDesign and Technology P1-P3Design and Technology P4-P8Design and Technology L1-L5Design and Technology L6 - L8+Design and Technology Any
AnyAny P1-P3Any P4-P8Any L1-L5Any L6 - L8+Can be used across skill areas and levels.
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