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Language and Communication respond to who what  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


Pupil responds to simple questions which start "who" and "what".

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Early years skill:Understanding
Early years typical range:22-36m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English Listening
P-scales/Curriculum level:P6
TAP skill:Understanding of Language/Comprehension
TAP level:TAP36
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Tea party

Two soft toys

cups and plastic food

Laminated symbols for who and what

Use symbols you already have, or get them using the Commtap Symboliser.

1. Set up a tea party together and talk about it using 2/3 word phrases e.g. "teddy's got the cup" and "dragon's got the banana";

2. Play at drinking and eating etc.;

3. Show the symbol for "who" and ask "Who has the banana?" To start with give the model answer "Look.........teddy's got the banana";

4. As the child gets used to this type of response give fewer clues e.g. "Look, ... t....." etc.

Make the activity fun and as much as possible keep it snappy!

Use simple language - 2/3 key words in a phrase at a time. (E.g. "Teddy's got the banana.")

Give time for the child to respond.

Give lots of praise for success or good tries.


Small figures

Small furniture

Small animals

1. Use these to play games so that the boy sleeps on the bed or the camel jumps on the chair etc. Ask "who" questions as above using the "who" symbol;

2. Model the correct answer if needed.

Favourite book

Favourite book

Find examples in everyday life to ask "who...?"

See above activities for resources, plus laminated "what" symbol

Large dice game

Any of the above equipment

Home made dice:

(Stick "who" and "what" symbols onto sides of a square box to make a dice)

Use symbols you already have, or get them using the Commtap Symboliser.

Lucky dip

Any of the above equipment

Several "Who?" and "What?" symbols


For the symbols, use symbols you already have, or get them using the Commtap Symboliser.

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