To use problem solving and reasoning skills to think through social situations which are not right / wrong situations.
Early years skill: | not specified |
Early years typical range: | not specified |
P-scales/Curriculum skill: | PSHE and Citizenship |
P-scales/Curriculum level: | L1 |
TAP skill: | Social Interaction |
TAP level: | TAP60 |
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area: | not specified |
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard: | not specified |
Section: | Primary (5-11yrs) info; Secondary (11-16yrs) info |
Activity/strategy name and materials required | How to do the activity | Key principles for doing the activity and comments |
Newspaper Newspaper or children's paper or magazine Large sheet of paper Pens | Choose a page of a newspaper or children's paper, or cut out some stories from a newspaper. (You could also do this on line if you have access to a computer. It is very motivating for the children!) Choose stories that will prompt discussion and are not simple right / wrong issues. Put the main person in the story in a circle in the middle of a page. Draw lots of lines out of the circle, and think of different things the person could do. Have each child circle the one they think they would suggest . Help the children think about what will happen if the person takes their advice. | |
You're in charge! Cards to write situations on. Paper Pens | ||
Freeze frames Short video clips from children's programmes | You could write individual or group letters to the programme makers suggesting an ending to this scene. | |
Alien bluff Alien puppet or picture. Cards to write situations on. Everyday situations at school and home. | Use a variety of situations - in class, in whole school events, in the playground, at home, etc. | |
Social Sequences LDA what's wrong social sequencing cards. Paper or whiteboard Pens | Use paper or a white board to keep the discussion focused. Use facial emotions cards as visual prompts to help the children think about what people are feeling and why. |