The child will use the question words 'Who?' 'What?' 'Where?' 'What (doing)?' in sentences to gain information.
Early years skill: | not specified |
Early years typical range: | not specified |
P-scales/Curriculum skill: | English Speaking |
P-scales/Curriculum level: | P8 |
TAP skill: | Expressive Language |
TAP level: | TAP48 |
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area: | not specified |
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard: | not specified |
Section: | Primary (5-11yrs) info |
Activity/strategy name and materials required | How to do the activity | Key principles for doing the activity and comments |
Hunt the Treasure Who what where prompt cards (each prompt card should have the word e.g. "who" along with a picture or picture symbol for that word) Counters or other treasure A range of objects including animals (optional) You can make the prompt cards using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint. | 1. Hide the counters as treasure. Put them around the room, or under / behind the different objects. 2. Explain to the child that they can find out where to look for the treasure by asking questions. 3. Revise the questions they might need to ask, and remind them of the prompt cards. 4. As they ask questions, give them the information to find the treasure. 5. See how much treasure they can find in a set time! | You could use pictures of the child's classmates instead of counters for treasure. |
Who am I? Question prompt cards 2 sets of pictures - use at least 2 categories, e.g. animals and food Masking tape / head band | ||
Secrets A book with interesting pictures Question prompt cards | If you have two copies of the same book, each person can have a copy. Alternatively, you can photocopy pictures from the book. | |
Making movies Digital camera Playmobil figures or other action figures and simple props. Question words. | The camera on a mobile phone could be used if a digital camera is not available. |