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Language and Communication think and talk about events in the past and future  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


To think about events that have happened in the past and what could happen in the future.

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Early years skill:not specified
Early years typical range:not specified
P-scales/Curriculum skill:Maths Shape Space and Measures
P-scales/Curriculum level:L1c
TAP skill:Expressive Language
TAP level:TAP52
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Secondary (11-16yrs) info; Post School Education info; Adult info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Which day?

Sheet of paper with 3 boxes drawn on them for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

A counter.

Optional: sets of symbol cards or pictures showing a variety of activities - including activities the student may have done.

You can create symbols cards using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint.

1. Talk about each day, one at a time. Get the student to draw or write things they have done or will do in each box. Use the picture symbols if the student is having difficulty coming up with things.

2. When you have finished, explain that there is going to be a quiz. Describe an activity and the student must say if they did it yesterday, did it today or will do it tomorrow.

3. Have them step the counter over onto the right day.

This works best when there are key things which are different about each day!

The Story of Fred

Set of three pictures - one showing a picture of a child, one showing a picture (preferably of the same person!) at a similar age to the student and one a picture of an older person. These could be photographs or drawings.

Choose three ages which are appropriate/relevant for the student.

Large 'thought clouds ' on A3 or A4 paper:

Sticky tape


Picture symbol prompts if required.

You can create symbol prompts using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint.




This is an ongoing activity.

You could take photos of the key events, and put them on the calendar.

Daily Schedule/Picture Schedule

Any activity or set of activities where the student might use a schedule or have a visual timetable.

You can create a visual timetable/schedule using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint.

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