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Language and Communication turn taking  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


Pupils share objects with peers

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Early years skill:Listening and attention
Early years typical range:8-20m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:PSHE and Citizenship
P-scales/Curriculum level:P3ii
TAP skill:Social Interaction
TAP level:TAP18
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:Anticipation
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:Engagement
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Feelie bag

Interesting small toys in a bag

Sit child and one other child on chairs in a small circle.

Make a show of bringing out the 'feelie bag' and shaking it.

Put your hand in and take out a toy.

Use it briefly and hand to the child next to you.

When this child has had a short go say 'Share with a friend' and if necessary use hand over hand modelling to help the child hand the toy over to a peer.

Say 'Good sharing' as the child hands over the toy.

When a toy has been seen by all offer the bag to a child to put their hand in and take out a toy for sharing

Keep going round in the circle till all the toys have been seen

Keep up the pace of these activities so that children don't get too tense having to wait their turn

Reward 'good waiting' and 'good sharing' with lots of praise - maybe even a sticker.

Some children find waiting very hard and will be helped by having something to hold a small sponge, or squashy ball etc. This is handed over for their turn with the toy and given back after they have passed the toy on.

Snack time

Small food items e.g. crisps, cut up fruit, biscuits

Sit in a circle and share round very small food items. Breaking up food into small pieces allows a child to gets lots of goes at taking a piece of food without eating too much!

Physical games

Can the child take turns in the playground having a jump while you hold their hands or a swing?

Can the child sit in a group and wait a turn for tickles or a go at 'Round and Round the garden'?

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