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Language and Communication Use and understand growing vocabulary  This resource has been viewed by a moderator.


Pupils use and understand a growing vocabulary.

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Early years skill:Speaking
Early years typical range:40-60+m
P-scales/Curriculum skill:English Speaking
P-scales/Curriculum level:P8
TAP skill:Expressive Language
TAP level:TAP48
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area:not specified
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard:not specified
Section:Early Years (0-5yrs) info; Primary (5-11yrs) info
Activity/strategy name and materials required How to do the activity Key principles for doing the activity and comments
Shopping games

everyday objects, shopping bag, table

One pupil sits at the 'shop'. Another is asked to go and buy an object.

A picture card can be used to help the pupil remember what they are going to shop for.

Posting games

pictures of everyday objects, post box

Take a picture of an object, say or sign what it is, and post it

Give the pupil time to name the object. Help them by giving a prompt (e.g. a forced alternative, the first sound. or the word or sign to repeat)

Fishing game

pictures with paper clips attached, magnetic fishing rods, 'pond' e.g. a flat box

Put cards in the box, take turns to fish for a picture, say/sign what is fished out.

Give the pupil time to name the object. Help them by giving a prompt (e.g. a forced alternative, the first sound. or the word or sign to repeat)

'Hide the fish'

Eight picture cards, small piece of paper with a fish drawn on it

One person hides a piece of paper (with a picture of a fish on it) under one of the cards whilst everyone else has their eyes closed. The children take it turns to guess under which card the fish is hidden - they must say the names of the objects on the cards - they are not allowed to point.

Guess the mime

Picture cards or objects

Children take it in turns to take a picture of an object (or an object) which they don't show to anybody. They have to mime what you do with the object for others to guess.

The pictures could also be pictures of actions.

Story books and pictures

Describe and look for things and actions in story books and pictures.

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