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Category: Maths Standard 5  

Abbreviation: M S5

See also: Pre-curriculum/National curriculum descriptions. Category lists.


The pupil can:

  • read and write numbers in numerals up to 100
  • partition a two-digit number into tens and ones to demonstrate an understanding of place value, though they may use structured resources1 to support them
  • add and subtract two-digit numbers and ones, and two-digit numbers and tens, where no regrouping is required, explaining their method verbally, in pictures or using apparatus (e.g. 23 + 5; 46 + 20; 16 – 5; 88 – 30)
  • recall at least four of the six2 number bonds for 10 and reason about associated facts (e.g. 6 + 4 = 10, therefore 4 + 6 = 10 and 10 – 6 = 4)
  • count in twos, fives and tens from 0 and use this to solve problems• know the value of different coins
  • name some common 2-D and 3-D shapes from a group of shapes or from picturesof the shapes and describe some of their properties (e.g. triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, cuboids, cubes, pyramids and spheres).

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