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Pre-curriculum/National curriculum:
English, Standard 1-6  

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up UpStandard 1Standard 2Standard 3Standard 4Standard 5Standard 6
Spoken language/EnglishThere is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.There is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.There is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.There is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.There is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.There is no description for spoken language in the English national curriculum (December 2014) for this standard.
Language comprehensionIn a familiar story/rhyme, the pupil can, when being read to by an adult (one-to-one or in a small group): indicate correctly ...In a familiar story/rhyme, the pupil can, when being read to by an adult (one-to-one or in a small group):demonstrate understanding, ...In a familiar story/rhyme, the pupil can, when being read to by an adult (one-to-one or in a small group):respond to questions that ...In a familiar story/rhyme, the pupil can, when being read to by an adult (one-to-one or in a small group):talk about events in the story ...In a familiar book that is read to them, the pupil can:answer questions in discussion with the teacher and make simple inferences.In a book that they can already read fluently, the pupil can:check it makes sense to them, correcting any inaccurate reading answer ...
ReadingThere is no description for reading at standard 1.The pupil can: say a single sound for 10+ graphemes read words by blending sounds with known graphemes, with help from their teacher. The pupil can: say a single sound for 20+ graphemes read accurately by blending the sounds in words with two and three known ...The pupil can: say sounds for 40+ graphemes, including one grapheme for each of the 40+ phonemes read accurately by blending the ...The pupil can: read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the commongraphemes for all 40+ phonemes read accurately ...The pupil can: read accurately most words of two or more syllables read most words containing common suffixes read most common ...
WritingComposition The pupil can: say an appropriate word to complete a sentence when the adult pauses(e.g. ‘We’re going to ...Composition The pupil can: say a clause to complete a sentence that is said aloud (e.g. ‘When we went to the beach today, ... we ate ...Composition The pupil can: make up their own phrases or short sentences to express their thoughts aloud about stories or their ...Composition The pupil can: make up their own sentences and say them aloud, after discussion with the teacher write down one of ...Composition The pupil can, after discussion with the teacher: write sentences that are sequenced to form a short narrative (real or ...Composition The pupil can, after discussion with the teacher: write simple, coherent narratives about personal experiences and ...
Grammar and vocabularyGrammar and vocabulary Standard 1Grammar and vocabulary Standard 2Grammar and vocabulary Standard 3Grammar and vocabulary Standard 4Grammar and vocabulary Standard 5Grammar and vocabulary Standard 6
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