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Category: Science P5  

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Abbreviation: S P5

See also: P Scales/Curriculum Levels descriptions. Category lists.


Pupils take part in activities focused on the anticipation of and enquiry into specific environments, for example, finding a hamster under straw, or a CD or video in a pile. They match objects and materials in terms of single features or properties, for example, temperature or colour. They indicate the before and after of material changes. They try out a range of equipment in familiar and relevant situations, for example, initiating the activation of a range of light sources. They respond to simple scientific questions, for example, ‘Show me the flower’ ’Is this wet/dry?’ ‘Showing’, ‘demonstrating’ ‘trying out’ ‘responding’ etc may be done by any means appropriate to the pupil’s preferred mode of communication and physical abilities. For some pupils this may mean directing an adult undertaking the task.

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