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Comparison of scales used on Commtap  

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Three developmental scales are currently used on Commtap - age ranges in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, National Curriculum levels and the P-Scales which lead up to this, and the TAP scale. This page is a guide to how these levels roughly equate in terms of typical developmental level. Note that age ranges are used in the EYFS curriculum - this reflects the variation between typcially developing children in terms of when they acquire skills and the order in which they may acquire them. The other scales do not reflect this variation.

P-Scales/National Curriculum level TAP level
Approx. developmental age (Sheridan 1975) Developmental age range given in the EYFS curriculum by which all skills indicated in Sheridan (1975) and the corresponding P-level should have been achieved.
P1(i) 3 1m  
P1(ii) 6 3m  
P1 6 3m  
P2(i) 9 6m  
P2(ii) 12 9m  
P2 12 9m Birth - 11 months (0-11m)
P3(i) 15 12m 8 - 20 months (8-20m)
P3(ii) 18 15m  
P3 18 15m  
P4 24 18m  
P5 30 2y 16 - 26 months (16-26m)
P6 36 3y 22 - 36 months (22-36m)
P7 42 4y 30 - 50 months (30-50m)
P8 48 5y 40 - 60 + months (40-60+m)
L1c 52    
L1b 56    
L1a 60    
L1 60    
L2c 64    
L2b 68    
L2a 72    
L2 72    
L3 84    
L4 96    
L5 108    

Reference: Sheridan, M.D. (1975) "From Birth to Five Years Children's developmental progress". Routledge: London.

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