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Find out how to use Commtap to create activities sheets.
The Commtap (Communication Targets and Activities Project) website allows Speech and Language Therapists, Language and Communication Teachers and others to share ideas with those working with those with communication difficulties in schools and other locations. 5 minute video on using Commtap.
Overview of Commtap (Powerpoint)
On this site you will find communication activities sheets for working with children at a variety of different levels and across a variety of curriculum and skill areas. There are two types of activities sheets - sheets for working on language and communication, and sheets for working on phonology and articulation. There are also supporting pages "additional resources".
The site uses a variety of ways of organising these documents, including using the P-Scales, the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum.
The documents use a simple standardised format to make them easy and quick to read.