The site is divided into sections according to the age range or setting you are working in. You will know which section you are in by looking for the coloured bar towards the top of the page. You can change the section you are in by clicking one of the links right at the top of the page. Many of the lists of activities pages that you are shown will be the ones that are appropriate for the age range/setting you have selected.
You can also searching for resources from the search box and choose whether you want to search in a particular session or across all sections of the site.
There are three main ways that you can find stuff on the site:
On the top of any page, choose which setting you are working in (Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Post School Education or Adult);
Choose the type of thing you are looking for, for example choose "Language and Communication" if you are working on communication;
The list you get - will as far as possible be in order of approximate difficulty. If the list is very long you can click on links to get to more;
You can also using the links in the box to the left ("Commtap Guided Search"), to narrow down what you are looking for.
Use the "drop downs" on the quick start box (or "Commtap Guided Search" on some pages), to choose which section you want to go to, what type of thing you are looking for, and how it is categorised (e.g. P-levels).
Type what you are looking for in the search box.