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Category: PSHE and Citizenship L5  

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Abbreviation: PSHE L5

See also: P Scales/Curriculum Levels descriptions. Category lists.



Pupils discuss and debate topical and controversial issues including those where rights are in conflict and need to be balanced. They consider what is fair and unfair to different groups involved and make reference to relevant national, European and international dimensions of the issues. They use different methods of enquiry and sources of information to investigate issues and explore a range of viewpoints, drawing some conclusions. They communicate their arguments clearly, giving reasons for their opinion and recognising the range of ideas involved. They identify the contributions of different cultures and communities to society and describe ways in which the UK is interconnected with the wider world. They work collaboratively with others from the wider community, to negotiate, plan and carry out action aimed at making a difference to the lives of others and explain the impact of actions taken. They show some knowledge of the operation of the political and justice systems in the UK, by describing the key features of democratic processes and the work of government in the UK. They participate effectively in activities involving representation, voting and campaigning on issues they have explored.

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