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Page 12 of 1029 results
Group Description Manager Posts Members Join Link
relate pictures and text to the wider context admin
predict infer and analyse from pictures and text admin
improve reading fluency speed and intonation admin
knows alphabetical order admin
use pictures and text together to get information admin
recognises 20 high frequency words admin
use pictures and text together to get information admin
identifies sentences in reading and uses full stops admin
Two part instructions with prepositions and plurals admin
To follow sequenced 4 to 5 key word instructions admin
Recall key information from a story admin
Improve listening skills using fun group games admin
Follow 4 key word instructions with before and after admin
First next middle last in sentences admin
Understand sentences containing a future tense admin
Listen to short story and answer questions on it admin
Activities to develop understanding of 4 key word instructions (nouns/verbs/adjectives/prepositions) admin
Follows two related instructions admin
respond to who what admin
answers simple questions admin
understand verb plus noun admin
understand a negative and an action eg do not run admin
Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 2 key words - set 1 (noun + noun) admin
Understand where admin
Activities to develop one key word understanding admin
responds to music admin
understanding idioms admin
Listen plan and carry out instructions admin
auditory recall of lists and sentences admin
Recall key information from a story admin
identify feelings from situations and tone of voice admin
follow 2 part instructions with 4 to 5 key words admin
two part instructions with before after admin
activities to develop prediction skills admin
Indicates wanting more of an activity admin
Reach to indicate wanting more of an activity admin
Developing the skill of looking at and responding to another person admin
Indicates wanting to continue an enjoyable experience admin
Speech, Language and Communication Activities admin
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