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Page 11 of 1029 results
Group Description Manager Posts Members Join Link
form lower case letter shapes admin
write simple sentences admin
distinguish letter b from letter d in writing admin
To develop vocabulary around a specific topic admin
Use who what where to gain information admin
Use the auxiliary verb is admin
Use prepositions in short sentences admin
Use and understand growing vocabulary admin
To develop question skills admin
Talk about a recent event admin
Four word phrases admin
Say sentences using past present and future admin
Relate pictures and spoken information to the wider context admin
Plan steps in a familiar activity eg make a sandwich admin
use determiners the a an appropriately admin
Give 4 word instructions admin
Use two adjectives plus a noun admin
Use three keyword phrases to retell a simple story admin
Activities to develop use the pronoun 'you' when talking admin
Activities to develop use the pronoun 'I' to refer to self admin
Activities to develop sentences containing a subject + verb + object admin
Use picture and verbal information to answer questions admin
To be able to name items from different categories admin
Three key word expression admin
Three key word expression with adjectives admin
Use and understand regular plurals admin
Make phrases in past tense admin
Make phrases in past tense using irregular verbs 2 admin
Make phrases in past tense using irregular verbs 1 admin
Contribute information appropriately in one to one or in small groups admin
Use facial expression to support meaning admin
Act out and name simple actions. admin
Joins in small group for rhyme or stories admin
Use two key word phrases to give instructions admin
Use subject and verb in the correct order admin
Use two word phrase with an action word admin
Combine two key words 2 admin
Combine two key words 1 admin
Combine two key ideas or concepts admin
Asks who what where questions at 2 word level admin
Use single words signs or symbols admin
use single words signs or symbols for actions 2 admin
use single words signs or symbols for actions 1 admin
Use ready steady go in turn taking admin
Activities to develop using a sign or word to indicate 'more'. admin
use a picture to make a request admin
Use single words admin
indicates yes given a choice admin
indicates no given a choice admin
Activities and strategies to develop a student's ability to ask for clarification/help/repetition admin
to use complex sentences admin
use mimes for common activities admin
sequence steps in an activity or events in a story admin
communicate precise information to another person admin
Activities to develop vocabulary through the use of synonyms admin
use sequencing words in a range of contexts admin
predict infer and analyse from a picture and story admin
use past and future tense when telling stories admin
use future tense when making plans and telling stories admin
to use because in sentences admin
To indicate own needs. admin
Predict what might happen next in a social story admin
To find out information about someone by asking questions admin
Using word webs to learn new vocabulary/words admin
Activities to develop the use of irregular plurals admin
Building story telling/narrative skills using visual aids admin
tell a simple story using a starter phrase or framework admin
make predictions in simple stories and situations admin
Understand that written words convey meaning admin
Sequences three pictures with first next last admin
Sequences three or more pictures admin
Stories from pictures admin
Recognise half the letters of the alphabet admin
Joins in discussion about a story admin
understands printed word can describe own experience admin
Use and understand photos of self with text admin
shares a book with an adult or a child admin
Recognises own written name admin
Points to text in stories with own name admin
Discusses pictures and creates simple narrative admin
Story retelling when looking at books admin
Show curiosity about book content admin
Match pictures to labels admin
Match objects to pictures to symbols admin
listen and respond to stories admin
choose and share a book with an adult admin
use pictures and text to get information admin
sequence chunks of text to make a whole eg story admin
read short vowel sounds in regular words admin
predict infer and analyse from pictures and text admin
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