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Page 8 of 1029 results
Group Description Manager Posts Members Join Link
Discussions and other stuff neil
Introduction for mixed SLTs, SENCOs, Education Staff etc. Neil Thompson
Recall a sequence of three or more activities in the right order neil
Describe a practical activity having three or more steps neil
Neil's Sponsored Skate for Commtap admin
Things that people could get involved with Neil Thompson
Communication activities and strategies for use in school lessons neil
Developing awareness that an object exists when out of sight admin
Elklan 5-11s Course admin
sequences three pictures showing a practical activity admin
think and talk about events in the past and future admin
Sequence three pictures related to hygiene Neil Thompson
Developing turn taking using sensory toys admin
Early Years admin
Think through more complex social situations admin
Name common objects admin
How we will help lorna lloyd
What you could do as a Commtap ambassador lorna lloyd
Encouraging Requests for Commtap Training/Intro lorna lloyd
Five Minute Lightning Talk Neil Thompson
Introduction for SLTs - Early Years Focus Neil Thompson
Introduction for SLTs - P-Scales/National Curriculum Focus Neil Thompson
Groups admin
What you can do in this group on the Commtap site Neil Thompson
Materials for Presenting Commtap Neil Thompson
Commtap Ambassadors neil
Publicise events or training on Commtap admin
Using Commtap admin
Technology for Inclusion Conference admin
ICT for Speaking and Listening; Using Commtap Neil Thompson
Share information about self with others Anonymous
Talk about things in the recent past Anonymous
Starts to greet familiar people using a reward chart system admin
Develop an awareness that different people have different preferences admin
Use "is" to join a noun to an adjective admin
To make eye contact admin
Contribute Activities (advanced) admin
Commtap Code Download admin
HTML to docx converter admin
Able to play simple action games and respond to greetings admin
Contribute Activities admin
Commtap for Speech and Language Therapy Students admin
First next last; first last templates Anonymous
Initiation prompt cards Anonymous
Robert's Friend various contributors
Robert's Friend admin
Phrases cards for emotions game Anonymous
Generic game track neil
1-6 Grid Anonymous
Sources of Information, Support and Additional Resources various contributors
Sources of Information, Support and Additional Resources admin
How it all started admin
Use two key word instructions in everyday activities Anonymous
Signalong 20th Anniversary Conference admin
Communication activities for classes various contributors
Communication activities for classes admin
Understand and use ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) admin
Learn new words admin
Number action rhymes various contributors
Number action rhymes admin
Communicating Phonics - Quick Reference various contributors
Communicating Phonics - Quick Reference admin
Cookies admin
Initiate a request for items to do a task admin
Text mangle tool various contributors
Text mangle tool admin
Comparison of scales used on Commtap admin
use switches to turn something on or off admin
Make a choice using two switches neil
Developing attention and listening skills through motivating activities admin
Today arrow admin
Reading your school or college timetable various contributors
Reading your school or college timetable admin
Common irregular past tense verbs various contributors
Common irregular past tense verbs admin
The Food Challenge Anonymous
The Animal Challenge Anonymous
Blank 3 question challenge Anonymous
Intermediate Listening Games various contributors
Intermediate Listening Games admin
Harder listening games various contributors
Harder listening games admin
Word Web Resources various contributors
Word Web Resources admin
Symbols - overview and sources various contributors
Symbols - overview and sources admin
Games and activities to help develop social skills various contributors
Games and activities to help develop social skills Anonymous
Coloured symbols for work and reward Anonymous
Social Media admin
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