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Page 7 of 1029 results
Group Description Manager Posts Members Join Link
Keyword Signing Resources admin
Game for working on attention, visual skills, vocabulary and co-operation admin
Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint (Free Online Training) admin
Language Prompt Sheets for Activities admin
ARASAAC Symbols - Colour admin
For child to look at their peers and use their names when in a turn taking activity imelda
ARASAAC Symbols - Colour various contributors
ARASAAC Symbols - Colour admin
Speech and Language Therapy for Autism - an overview admin
Commtap CIC Data and Privacy admin
Commtap for Speech and Language Therapy Students (Online Workshop) admin
News from Commtap admin
Encouraging eye gaze communication (no tech) various contributors
Encouraging eye gaze communication (no tech) Neil Thompson
Make an Eye Gaze Communication Book using PowerPoint various contributors
Make an Eye Gaze Communication Book using PowerPoint Neil Thompson
deafPLUS Amelia Lewis
Getting Email from Commtap admin
Multi-syllable (polysyllable) word lists various contributors
Multi-syllable (polysyllable) word lists Sarah
Add stuff to Commtap admin
Funding and Expanding Commtap Survey admin
Activities for comprehension of concepts Anonymous
Assessment of Decision Making Capacity (Sample) Black Sheep Press
Complex Needs Support Survey admin
Communication Resources admin
August 2015 Complex Needs Support Survey - For CPN team admin
Running a craft group to develop friendships and communication Neil Thompson
Prompts for a simple conversation gemma47
SLT Communication Courses admin
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences admin
Work out how likely an assessment result could have been achieved by chance various contributors
Work out how likely an assessment result could have been achieved by chance Neil Thompson
Multiple choice formula Neil Thompson
Phonetic character lists admin
Activities to develop early choice making between two items admin
Use a simple conversational structure over three turns Neil Thompson
What have you got - conversation prompt pictures Neil Thompson
What have you just done - conversation prompt pictures Neil Thompson
How are you conversation prompt pictures Neil Thompson
List of common synonyms various contributors
List of common synonyms admin
Log of changes on the site admin
Clinical Reasoning Survey Tower Hamlets Children's SLT 2014 admin
The Chute various contributors
The Chute lorna lloyd
The Chute lorna lloyd
Diagram of the Chute lorna lloyd
Ads admin
Number of Children Supported with Commtap Neil Thompson
Simple topic maintenance Neil Thompson
Minutes neil
Strategies for eliciting single words/short phrases/gestures various contributors
Strategies for eliciting single words/short phrases/gestures Neil Thompson
Director/fundraising advisor admin
CPD and Commtap neil
Using Commtap Survey admin
Select a picture on an eye gaze frame Neil Thompson
Using Commtap in Schools (Free Online Training) Neil Thompson
Therapy Ideas Live Rhiannan
Commtap for Professionals (Free Online Training) Neil Thompson
SSL admin
Signalong Foundation Course (Thursday Twilight) Neil Thompson
Signalong Foundation Course (Thursday Afternoons) Neil Thompson
1Voice - Communicating Together 1voicect
2014-04: Speech and Language Therapy: Art or Science - Commtap's Free Anniversary Event admin
ChildSpeech ChildSpeech
Using Commtap in reports/short links admin
Responds to who what and why admin
Commtap Anniversary Survey admin
Responds to why questions Anonymous
Responds to what questions Neil Thompson
Responds to who questions Neil Thompson
The Signalong Group Tracy Goode
Help for Publicising Events admin
Commtap 10th Anniversary Neil Thompson
Commtap Neil Thompson
Activities to develop the pronouns 'him' and 'her'. admin
Database Queries admin
Elklan Liz Elks
makes marks admin
Key Word Signing Systems Neil Thompson
Key Word Signing admin
Application for an Organisation Page on Commtap admin
Changing a scale on Commtap admin
Barts Health NHS Trust (Tower Hamlets) Speech and Language Therapy for Children Neil Thompson
Administrator Group admin
Signalong Foundation Course (Wednesday Twilight) admin
Signalong Foundation Course (Wednesday Afternoons) admin
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