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Page 10 of 1029 results
Group Description Manager Posts Members Join Link
Turn taking 2 admin
Turn taking 1 admin
respond appropriately with no to short phrases admin
Accepts not getting what he or she wants sometimes admin
Able to play cooperatively admin
Take turns in activities with an adult eg on computer admin
Share something with another child admin
Verbalise feelings appropriately admin
Initiate an interaction with a peer admin
To take turns and interact in a group admin
Take turns with another child with adult support admin
Remain on task for 20 minutes admin
Asks for specific help to do an activity admin
Use a visual timetable admin
follows familiar routines admin
able to join in action songs with a group of children admin
turn taking admin
Developing the skills to understand and express different emotions admin
give compliments admin
Appropriate touch and proximity admin
Adjust language in different social contexts admin
Self other awareness - appearance admin
Say how you would feel in situations admin
Respond to contradictory emotional messages admin
Ideas to encourage playing with one friend then playing with someone else admin
To be able to display and interpret different emotions admin
Judge if behaviour is being a good friend admin
make predictions about what people would say admin
Use a reward chart to modify own behaviour admin
Same and different admin
Activities to develop categorising items by where you find them/location admin
Developing the skill of sorting items into categories admin
Categories - to recognise the odd one out admin
Fine motor skills to support writing skills admin
To order three daily events using pictures admin
Organise daily routine pictures on school and non school day admin
Name 2d shapes e.g. square admin
Language of order in space eg first last middle end admin
Before and after in time admin
Activities to develop the use of prepositions 'in', 'on' and 'under' in a short phrase. admin
understand and use prepositions behind in front admin
Understand and use more for quantity admin
Understand and use larger admin
Pick out shapes from a collection admin
On under in out admin
Activities to develop understanding of the concepts front and back admin
Understand and use prepositions admin
Activities to develop understanding and use of position words (prepositions) in, on and under admin
Activities to understand and use the concepts of full and empty admin
Activities to develop understanding of the concepts fast and slow. admin
Activities to help develop understanding and use of the words 'left' and 'right' on own body admin
pupils use words left and right on objects in front of them admin
think and talk about events in the past and future admin
name 3d shapes eg sphere admin
understand and use comparatives and superlatives admin
before after then in sentences admin
Uses coins to 10p admin
Match quantities up to 8 admin
First last next admin
Add or take away one from a number of objects admin
Understand and use one more admin
Understand and use one less admin
Counts up to 5 objects admin
Plays games using dice admin
Aware of unequal sets admin
Does actions in familiar number rhymes admin
Counts to 3 admin
Use the terms one and lots admin
Match two equal sets admin
Indicate one or two using fingers admin
Show an interest in number rhymes songs or games admin
recognise vocabulary for basic number operations admin
Makes a choice from two items admin
writes words for familiar objects admin
Sequence pictures, symbols, words admin
Sequence pictures of familiar routines or a story admin
Leaves spaces between words in own writing admin
Dictates captions for pictures admin
Be aware that writing can convey meaning admin
Write a message using own name and 1 or 2 words admin
Sequences three pictures showing a practical activity admin
Copies underneath writing l to r admin
Produce meaningful print signs or symbols admin
Names pictures admin
Improve pencil control and use a tripod grip admin
attempts to copy own name admin
writes on a screen admin
spell phonically regular words admin
spell high frequency words admin
use a strategy to remember spellings admin
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