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All Secondary (11-16yrs) Language and Communication Activities Sheets
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Social Interaction
SI TAP6 To make eye contact
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Expressive Language
EL TAP24 Make a choice using two switches
EL TAP24 Request a desired item
EL TAP24 use switches to turn something on or off
EL TAP24 Make a choice at snack time
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EL TAP30 Use two key word instructions in everyday activities
Social Interaction
SI TAP30 Initiate a request for items to do a task
SI TAP30 Use a simple conversational structure over three turns
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP36 Be familiar with written words
Expressive Language
EL TAP36 Copies underneath writing l to r
Social Interaction
SI TAP36 Take turns in activities with an adult eg on computer
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP42 Finding items/objects from subcategories
Expressive Language
EL TAP42 sequences three pictures showing a practical activity
EL TAP42 Write a message using own name and 1 or 2 words
EL TAP42 To be able to name items from different categories
EL TAP42 Sequence three pictures related to hygiene
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP48 Understand that written words convey meaning
UL TAP48 First next middle last in sentences
UL TAP48 Organise daily routine pictures on school and non school day
UL TAP48 Recall key information from a story
UL TAP48 To follow sequenced 4 to 5 key word instructions
UL TAP48 To order three daily events using pictures
UL TAP48 Recognise half the letters of the alphabet
UL TAP48 Sequences three or more pictures
Expressive Language
EL TAP48 Describe a practical activity having three or more steps
EL TAP48 Name 2d shapes e.g. square
EL TAP48 Activities to encourage the use of 'first', 'next' and 'last' when describing a sequence of events.
EL TAP48 Talk about things in the recent past
EL TAP48 Plan steps in a familiar activity eg make a sandwich
EL TAP48 Recall a sequence of three or more activities in the right order
EL TAP48 To develop question skills
Social Interaction
SI TAP48 Share information about self with others
SI TAP48 identify and discuss errors made by others
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP52 knows alphabetical order
Expressive Language
EL TAP52 think and talk about events in the past and future
EL TAP52 predict infer and analyse from a picture and story
EL TAP52 name 3d shapes eg sphere
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP55-72 Learn new words
Expressive Language
EL TAP55-72 Using word webs to learn new vocabulary/words
EL TAP55-72 To be able to find objects that go together
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP56 use pictures and text together to get information
UL TAP56 recognises 20 high frequency words
UL TAP56 identify feelings from situations and tone of voice
UL TAP56 Recall key information from a story
Expressive Language
EL TAP56 Predict what might happen next in a social story
EL TAP56 distinguish letter b from letter d in writing
EL TAP56 write simple sentences
EL TAP56 include relevant details in story retell
EL TAP56 To indicate own needs.
EL TAP56 to use because in sentences
EL TAP56 use future tense when making plans and telling stories
EL TAP56 To find out information about someone by asking questions
EL TAP56 use past and future tense when telling stories
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP60 sort materials by properties and function
UL TAP60 activities to develop prediction skills
UL TAP60 identifies sentences in reading and uses full stops
UL TAP60 use pictures and text together to get information
UL TAP60 two part instructions with before after
Expressive Language
EL TAP60 Activities to develop the use of irregular plurals
EL TAP60 To develop vocabulary around a specific topic
EL TAP60 make predictions in simple stories and situations
EL TAP60 make predictions about physical actions
EL TAP60 To use language to describe the characteristics and functions of objects
EL TAP60 Building story telling/narrative skills using visual aids
Social Interaction
SI TAP60 make predictions about what people would say
SI TAP60 Respond to contradictory emotional messages
SI TAP60 Think through more complex social situations
SI TAP60 To be able to display and interpret different emotions
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP64 understanding idioms
UL TAP64 predict infer and analyse from pictures and text
UL TAP64 use pictures and text to get information
UL TAP64 sequence chunks of text to make a whole eg story
Expressive Language
EL TAP64 to use complex sentences
EL TAP64 spell high frequency words
EL TAP64 spell phonically regular words
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP68 relate pictures and text to the wider context
UL TAP68 Listen plan and carry out instructions
UL TAP68 recall story details and retell them
Expressive Language
EL TAP68 communicate precise information to another person
EL TAP68 sequence steps in an activity or events in a story
EL TAP68 use a strategy to remember spellings
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP72 predict infer and analyse from pictures and text
UL TAP72 recognise vocabulary for basic number operations
UL TAP72 sort items by property and function
UL TAP72 improve reading fluency speed and intonation
Expressive Language
EL TAP72 pupils use words left and right on objects in front of them
EL TAP72 Activities to develop vocabulary through the use of synonyms
Social Interaction
SI TAP72 Appropriate touch and proximity
SI TAP72 Adjust language in different social contexts
SI TAP72 Developing the skills to understand and express different emotions
SI TAP72 Say how you would feel in situations
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Expressive Language
EL TAP84 Activities and strategies to develop a student's ability to ask for clarification/help/repetition
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