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All Early Years (0-5yrs) Language and Communication Activities Sheets
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Attention and Listening
AL TAP9 Developing attention and listening skills through motivating activities
AL TAP9 Developing the skill of looking at and responding to another person
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Creativity, Imagination and Play
CIP TAP12 To knock down a tower deliberately
CIP TAP12 puts and takes objects into and out of container
Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP12 removes object from face that obscures vision
UL TAP12 Developing awareness that an object exists when out of sight
Expressive Language
EL TAP12 Reach to indicate wanting more of an activity
EL TAP12 Activities to develop early choice making between two items
EL TAP12 Indicates wanting to continue an enjoyable experience
Social Interaction
SI TAP12 Developing turn taking using sensory toys
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Expressive Language
EL TAP15 consistently acts on objects
EL TAP15 Indicates wanting more of an activity
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EL TAP18 Makes a choice from two items
Social Interaction
SI TAP18 turn taking
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP24 responds to music
UL TAP24 Activities to develop one key word understanding
UL TAP24 matches related everyday objects
UL TAP24 choose and share a book with an adult
UL TAP24 listen and respond to stories
UL TAP24 Show an interest in number rhymes songs or games
Expressive Language
EL TAP24 use a picture to make a request
EL TAP24 use switches to turn something on or off
EL TAP24 makes marks
EL TAP24 writes on a screen
EL TAP24 indicates yes given a choice
EL TAP24 Use ready steady go in turn taking
EL TAP24 Make a choice using two switches
EL TAP24 Use single words
EL TAP24 indicates no given a choice
EL TAP24 use single words signs or symbols for actions 2
EL TAP24 use single words signs or symbols for actions 1
EL TAP24 Use single words signs or symbols
EL TAP24 Activities to develop using a sign or word to indicate 'more'.
Social Interaction
SI TAP24 Use a visual timetable
SI TAP24 able to join in action songs with a group of children
SI TAP24 Able to play simple action games and respond to greetings
SI TAP24 follows familiar routines
SI TAP24 Activities to develop early turn taking skills
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP30 Activities to develop understanding of a negative and a noun, e.g. "no hat"
UL TAP30 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 2 key words - set 1 (noun + noun)
UL TAP30 understand a negative and an action eg do not run
UL TAP30 Activities to develop understanding of the concepts noisy and quiet
UL TAP30 Match objects to pictures to symbols
UL TAP30 Match two equal sets
UL TAP30 Match pictures to labels
UL TAP30 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 2 key words - set 2 (noun + verb)
UL TAP30 Understand where
UL TAP30 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 2 key words - set 3 (noun + adjective/preposition)
UL TAP30 understand verb plus noun
UL TAP30 Show curiosity about book content
Expressive Language
EL TAP30 attempts to copy own name
EL TAP30 Combine two key words 1
EL TAP30 Combine two key ideas or concepts
EL TAP30 Asks who what where questions at 2 word level
EL TAP30 Indicate one or two using fingers
EL TAP30 Names pictures
EL TAP30 Combine two key words 2
EL TAP30 Use subject and verb in the correct order
EL TAP30 Use the terms one and lots
EL TAP30 Use two key word phrases to give instructions
EL TAP30 Use two word phrase with an action word
Social Interaction
SI TAP30 Asks for specific help to do an activity
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP36 Activities to understand and use the concepts of full and empty
UL TAP36 Activities to understand and use the concepts hot/cold
UL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 3 key words - set 3 (nouns/adjectives/prepositions)
UL TAP36 shares a book with an adult or a child
UL TAP36 Responds to what questions
UL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 3 key words - set 2 (nouns/adjectives)
UL TAP36 Activities to understand and use the concepts of big and little/small
UL TAP36 respond to who what
UL TAP36 Understand and use prepositions
UL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding and use of position words (prepositions) in, on and under
UL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding of the concepts fast and slow.
UL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding of instructions containing 3 key words - set 1 (nouns/verbs)
UL TAP36 Aware of unequal sets
UL TAP36 Points to text in stories with own name
UL TAP36 answers simple questions
UL TAP36 Use and understand photos of self with text
UL TAP36 Recognises own written name
UL TAP36 Discusses pictures and creates simple narrative
UL TAP36 Be familiar with written words
Expressive Language
EL TAP36 Act out and name simple actions.
EL TAP36 Categories - to recognise the odd one out
EL TAP36 Use facial expression to support meaning
EL TAP36 Joins in small group for rhyme or stories
EL TAP36 Counts to 3
EL TAP36 Activities to develop understanding and use of the personal pronouns 'he' and 'she'
EL TAP36 Does actions in familiar number rhymes
EL TAP36 Fine motor skills to support writing skills
EL TAP36 Activities to develop use the pronoun 'you' when talking
EL TAP36 Name common objects
Social Interaction
SI TAP36 Plays games using dice
SI TAP36 To take turns and interact in a group
SI TAP36 Take turns in activities with an adult eg on computer
SI TAP36 Take turns with another child with adult support
SI TAP36 Initiate an interaction with a peer
SI TAP36 Verbalise feelings appropriately
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Expressive Language
EL TAP37-54 To be able to describe objects using a variety of adjectives/descriptive words
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP42 understands printed word can describe own experience
UL TAP42 Follows two related instructions
UL TAP42 Responds to who questions
UL TAP42 Activities to develop understanding of 4 key word instructions (nouns/verbs/adjectives/prepositions)
UL TAP42 Identify key information in stories with question prompts
UL TAP42 Understand sentences containing a future tense
UL TAP42 Activities to develop understanding of the concepts front and back
UL TAP42 Listen to short story and answer questions on it
UL TAP42 Developing the skill of sorting items into categories
UL TAP42 Activities to develop finding items from different categories
UL TAP42 Pick out shapes from a collection
UL TAP42 Finding items/objects from subcategories
UL TAP42 Stories from pictures
Expressive Language
EL TAP42 Activities to develop the use of prepositions 'in', 'on' and 'under' in a short phrase.
EL TAP42 understand and use less for quantity
EL TAP42 Understand and use one more
EL TAP42 understand and use prepositions behind in front
EL TAP42 Activities to develop sentences containing a subject + verb + object
EL TAP42 Sequences three pictures showing a practical activity
EL TAP42 Use three keyword phrases to retell a simple story
EL TAP42 Improve pencil control and use a tripod grip
EL TAP42 Three key word expression
EL TAP42 Use two adjectives plus a noun
EL TAP42 Make phrases in past tense using irregular verbs 1
EL TAP42 Use picture and verbal information to answer questions
EL TAP42 Use and understand regular plurals
EL TAP42 Make phrases in past tense
EL TAP42 To be able to name items from different categories
EL TAP42 Make phrases in past tense using irregular verbs 2
EL TAP42 Activities to develop the pronouns 'him' and 'her'.
EL TAP42 Contribute information appropriately in one to one or in small groups
EL TAP42 Activities to develop categorising items by where you find them/location
EL TAP42 Activities to develop use the pronoun 'I' to refer to self
EL TAP42 Counts up to 5 objects
EL TAP42 On under in out
EL TAP42 Three key word expression with adjectives
EL TAP42 Understand and use larger
EL TAP42 Understand and use more for quantity
EL TAP42 Understand and use one less
Social Interaction
SI TAP42 For child to look at their peers and use their names when in a turn taking activity
SI TAP42 Share something with another child
SI TAP42 Turn taking 1
SI TAP42 respond appropriately with no to short phrases
SI TAP42 Turn taking 2
SI TAP42 Able to play cooperatively
SI TAP42 Accepts not getting what he or she wants sometimes
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Understanding of Language/Comprehension
UL TAP48 Responds to why questions
UL TAP48 To order three daily events using pictures
UL TAP48 To follow sequenced 4 to 5 key word instructions
UL TAP48 Add or take away one from a number of objects
UL TAP48 Recognise half the letters of the alphabet
UL TAP48 First last next
UL TAP48 Sequences three or more pictures
UL TAP48 Before and after in time
UL TAP48 Language of order in space eg first last middle end
UL TAP48 Understand that written words convey meaning
UL TAP48 Uses coins to 10p
UL TAP48 Joins in discussion about a story
UL TAP48 Same and different
UL TAP48 Improve listening skills using fun group games
UL TAP48 Sequences three pictures with first next last
UL TAP48 Responds to who what and why
UL TAP48 First next middle last in sentences
UL TAP48 Two part instructions with prepositions and plurals
UL TAP48 Match quantities up to 8
UL TAP48 Follow 4 key word instructions with before and after
UL TAP48 Recall key information from a story
UL TAP48 Organise daily routine pictures on school and non school day
Expressive Language
EL TAP48 Use and understand growing vocabulary
EL TAP48 Name 2d shapes e.g. square
EL TAP48 Plan steps in a familiar activity eg make a sandwich
EL TAP48 Talk about a recent event
EL TAP48 Identify errors in pictures of everyday objects
EL TAP48 Give 4 word instructions
EL TAP48 Be aware that writing can convey meaning
EL TAP48 Dictates captions for pictures
EL TAP48 Four word phrases
EL TAP48 Sequence pictures of familiar routines or a story
EL TAP48 Use prepositions in short sentences
EL TAP48 Sequence pictures, symbols, words
EL TAP48 writes words for familiar objects
EL TAP48 Leaves spaces between words in own writing
EL TAP48 Relate pictures and spoken information to the wider context
EL TAP48 Activities to encourage the use of 'first', 'next' and 'last' when describing a sequence of events.
Social Interaction
SI TAP48 identify and discuss errors made by others
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Expressive Language
EL TAP55-72 To be able to find objects that go together
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